I've been looking forward to this day for weeks now! It was PUMPKIN PATCH DAY!!!
Ethan (Brayden's little buddy who is exactly two months older than him) was supposed to join us, but his Mommy wasn't feeling so well so they weren't able to make it. We were originally planning to go to the pumpkin patch in Irvine, but I also heard great things about the pumpkin patch in Long Beach, so we decided to check it out instead:
I originally wanted to dress Brayden up in a pumpkin costume, but I didn't have the time to pick one up that day (we finally slept in as a family and it felt so nice). SO... I decided to dress him up in his bright orange polo shirt.
We arrived at the patch and I was very impressed. I've only been to pumpkin patches back at home (in Washington) and they were nothing like the one in Long Beach. The pumpkin patch that I went to when I was younger was a real, actual, pumpkin farm whereas the one in Long Beach was NOT a farm, but more like a small carnival of pumpkins with rides, a petting zoo, and lots of picture opportunities. Anyway, this was not what I expected of a pumpkin patch!
The admission was free, as well as the parking... SCORE! I was so excited to take pictures of Brayden with all of the huge pumpkins, so we just went at it. All of the pictures are on his Dad's camera... I've gotta figure out how to use that thing because his Dad takes a very long time to upload his pictures, which really frustrates me, but I won't get into that right now. I took a few on my phone, and here is one of them:
My son is such an observant baby that he didn't even care to look at us... HIS PARENTS! He kept looking around the patch and all of the other kids that were there. I love the fact that he is such a curious mind, but I also wish that he would have looked at the camera for us a little bit more so we can capture his first experience at a pumpkin patch. Ahhh... maybe next time.
Whenever we're out in public, Brayden always looks at other kids and babies with this very amused look on his face. He's practically in awe with every other baby because he doesn't see many other babies very often. I feel bad that all of his cousins are back home in Washington. While I lived back at home, it was great to see all of my nieces and nephews play together, and even fight sometimes. It just goes to show how close they are with each other. I feel guilty that Brayden doesn't have any cousins to grow up with down here. :( One day, he will be closer to his cousins... hopefully sooner than later.
More pictures from the Pumpkin Patch will follow shortly... give my Husband a few days.
We had so much fun! I even have a video of Brayden at the patch... he's going to hate me for it, I think... I hope not. Eeeps!
I love you, my little pumpkin!!!